I’m doing a quick 5-part snapshot of strong management techniques, for any management professionals looking for techniques to stabilise their teams and build on their successes.

One size does not fit all

When working in a team environment, many managers reasonably assume that treating people differently is a bad thing, and showing favouritism, bias or nepotism is never going to help, in those regards it certainly is. However some of the best managers I have come across are those who have been able to understand how individuals like to be managed, and what type of approach they respond to above others. The most successful managers I have seen in my career have been able to adapt their style to suit individuals within the
team, whist managing the team as a whole to achieve a common goal. This is quite a balancing act, as people will require different approaches, the truth of the situation is that everyone has different personalities, and the more discussion that connects with each person the better.

Acknowledging limitations while building on strengths

The key to being a successful manager is a combination of understanding those who work with you and understanding yourself. I have said in previous blogs how there is too much negative focus placed on people’s weaknesses or limitations, but it is nonetheless important to know what they are, and to acknowledge them. Some of the best leaders in history have not been well-rounded, and this does not mean you are any less of a leader, paradoxically it is more important to be very good at a few specific things, that suit your given area, than trying to be good at everything. There simply isn’t time to build a specialisation in everything, and those who try often risk lacking depth. Knowing your limitations will allow you to find and recognise in others the potential strengths that you may be lacking, and surrounding yourself with those skills not inherently found in yourself will give you a strong team. It is important to celebrate the strengths of the people who work for you and allow them to further build on those natural abilities.

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Don’t judge

It is easier said than done, but a fundamental part of developing individuals and making improvements is to remain open-minded about their behaviour or the causes behind certain actions. It is often easier to assume you have understood a person’s motivations based on past experience of their character, but in a work situation where you are encouraging them to make changes it is important that you give them a second chance in explaining their actions before you assume you know what has occurred, or you could lose them when they were actually on-board. If you are someone who normally reacts quickly to situations, it is especially important not to react at all. Time will allow you to consider other avenues, and you simply have to give people the belief that you will see them change. If you are usually the type of person who doesn’t openly react, you might have the opposite issue where a person may not realise the  seriousness of their actions and it is imperative to explain these at a time when things are going well (rather than at a time of conflict) and ensure they understand they must make the changes required.

Next week I will roll on with some character-defining descriptions of managers, and you can see which suits you best.

Please continue reading the next part here.

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